Minister Ban‘s remarks on the occasion of diplomatic corps’s visit to Gaesong Industrial Complex

Distinguished members of Diplomatic Corps,

The Honorable Kim Dong-Geun,
Chairman of the Gaesong Industrial Complex Management Committee,
Distinguished Committee Officials,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I believe it is indeed highly meaningful to have this opportunity to come to Gaesong, which stands as a symbol of inter-Korean economic cooperation, and be here with the diplomatic envoys to Korea.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the diplomatic envoys to Korea who graciously accepted our invitation. I would also like to express our deep thanks to the Ministry of Unification, the Gaesong Industrial Complex Management Committee, and the authorities of the DPRK for all their efforts to arrange for this event to take place.

Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some thoughts on the meaning of the project for the development of the Gaesong Industrial Complex.

More than anything, the Gaesong Industrial Complex development project stands as a clear demonstration of the firm will of South and North to realize inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation and to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula.

The sight of more than 8,000 people from North and South working side by side instills in us a great confidence in this fact.

Secondly, the Gaesong Industrial Complex is important in that it offers an example of the market economy and provides the North with the opportunity to gain practical experience. It may therefore be said to represent a learning opportunity.

The North Korean employees who work in this complex are all seeing for themselves what wages, profits, prices and competitiveness really are.

Thirdly, among the four existing Special Economic Zones in North Korea, the Gaesong Industrial Complex, together with Mt. Guemgang, is established itself as a successful example.

I believe that these valuable results may be built upon and felt more widely in North Korea, and so be conducive to actual improvements in North Korean society and prove to be a stepping stone for the promotion of peaceful coexistence.

Fourth, the Gaesong Industrial Complex is contributing substantially to the easing of military tensions and confidence-building.

Gaesong, which is situated on the borderline between the South and the North, was once a place of strategic importance.

I, therefore, believe that building a place for an experiment for peace in this sensitive area serves as an outstanding example in confidence-building measures.

I believe the international community should pay particular attention to that point and encourage North Korea in promoting confidence-building measures.

Fifth, the South Korean government has been striving to improve the working conditions for North Korean employees in the Gaesong Industrial Complex.

I believe there are still areas in which there is room for improvement but we will make every effort to achieve actual improvements, including in the wage issue.

Distinguished Diplomatic Envoys to Korea,

Last week at the 12th Meeting of the Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation Promotion Committee, the South and North reconfirmed our will for economic cooperation and agreed on the details of the schedule for economic cooperation. In particular, there are great possibilities that the trial operation of a train service can be achieved.

In addition, the Unification Festival with participation of the South and North governments and civic groups is scheduled to be held from June 14th in Guang-ju to mark the sixth anniversary of the 6.15 Joint Statement. And former President Kim Dae-jung is to visit North Korea from June 27.

It is my earnest hope that all these significant events will proceed smoothly and successfully so that peace on the Korean Peninsula and inter-Korean cooperation can be taken one stage further.

In this respect, I would ask that the diplomatic envoys here take a special interest in the Gaesong Industrial Complex and would like to request your full support for the successful promotion of this project.

Thank you.