Iftar Dinner Commemorating Ramadan to be Hosted by the Minister

2007-09-18 16:22
Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--Minister Song Min-soon will be hosting the Iftar Dinner to celebrate Ramadan at his official residence on September 19, Wednesday. He has invited about 90 people, including ambassadors from the member countries of theOrganization of the Islamic Conference(OIC), Mr. Lee Haeng-rae, Imam of the Korean Muslim Federation, Korean businesspeople working in Middle East nations, and regional specialists of Islamic countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade(MOFAT) is hosting this Iftar dinner to strengthen cooperative ties with the Islamic countries, as well as to promote understanding of the Islam world.

According to the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is in September. During this holy time, Muslims go on a fast to commemorate Prophet Mohammed receiving the first divine revelation of Koran, and they thank the blessings of Allah and express their devotion to the God in Islam. Muslims carry the benevolence and generosity of Islam into practice for nearly a month.

During this Iftar dinner, the MOFAT plans to reflect the meaning of Ramadan to a full extent and observe the Islam proprieties throughout the event. Therefore the dinner will begin after the last praying of sunset ends at 18:36. Date palm will be provided with ‘halal,’ meat from animals butchered according to Muslim law.

The MOFAT plans to correct the misunderstandings and biases about Islam which are prevalent in the Korean society, due to the incident of Koreans taken hostage in Afghanistan in July. In this sense, the ministry will render efforts in diverse ways to increase the understanding of Islam. Also, the ministry plans to establish an organization for bilateral cooperation in order to continue collaborative ties between Korea and the Islamic nations in various areas including politics, economy and culture.