Standard Chartered First Bank Hosts Media Roundtable During World Economic Forum on East Asia

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--Standard Chartered First Bank (SC First Bank) hosted a media roundtable in Seoul from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in time for the World Economic Forum (WEF) on East Asia.

Participants at the media roundtable included Group Chief Executive of Standard Chartered, Peter Sands, who is co-chair of the WEF event; V. Shankar, Group Head of Origination & Client Coverage (Wholesale Banking); Alex Barrett, Head of Client Research; David Edwards, CEO & President of SC First Bank; and Charles Ahn, Head of SC First Bank’s Origination & Client Coverage (Wholesale Banking). These executives are also participating in the WEF to share their opinions on the world and Asian economies and on Standard Chartered, one of the world’s best international banks, leading the way in Asia, Africa and Middle East.

Peter Sands commented, “I am delighted to be co-chairing the WEF in East Asia. Having the WEF at this time in Korea is a perfect fit. Korea and Asia are going to play a key role in driving growth in the world economy.”

David Edwards said, “We were delighted on the first day of the WEF to announce that Standard Chartered has become the first international company to be granted a Financial Holding Company license in Korea. This demonstrates the openness of the Korean economy and will help us to better serve our customers in Korea.” He added, “I am confident that Standard Chartered will continue to be a pivotal partner for Korea, contributing to the development of Korea as one of Asia’s most important economies.”

The 18th World Economic Forum on East Asia takes place in Seoul this week from 18 to 19 June. The Republic of Korea's top leaders will welcome a diverse group of decision-makers from business, government and civil society as they meet to examine the region’s response to the global economic crisis. The meeting will provide insight on building a common agenda for Asia to revitalize the global economy through new models of growth, technologies and corporate practices.

한국스탠다드차타드은행 개요
80년의 역사와 전통을 가진 스탠다드차타드은행은 1929년 조선저축은행으로 출범하여 1958년 제일은행으로 은행명을 변경한 이후 기업금융에 강점을 가진 은행으로 활동해 왔다. 스탠다드차타드의 인수 이후, 2005년 9월 12일 SC제일은행으로 행명을 바꾸고 성공적인 통합 작업을 통해 꾸준한 성장을 해왔다. 2012년 1월 11일 그룹 브랜드와 통합하며 행명을 변경한 스탠다드차타드은행은 ‘고객이 추천하고 싶은 국내 최고의 국제적 은행’이라는 비전을 가지고 고객중심의 조직으로 재편해 기업금융 고객에게는 스탠다드차타드의 글로벌 네트워크를 적극 활용하여 국내와 해외 시장 간의 가교 역할을 하고 있으며, 소매금융 고객에게는 혁신적인 상품 및 차별화된 서비스를 제공함으로써 고객의 니즈를 충족시켜 나가고 있다. 스탠다드차타드은행은 사회적인 책임 의식을 가지고 한국에서 비즈니스 활동을 하는데 전념하고 있으며 스탠다드차타드의 브랜드 약속인 Here for good의 정신 하에 다양한 사회 활동들을 펼치고 있다.



Hee Sun Joo
Senior Media Manager, External Communications