LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Campaign Returns to Australia
“We are honored that the new research laboratories within the Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer will be named the LIVESTRONG Cancer Research Centre and provide a world-class home to more than 100 of Australia's leading cancer researchers,” said Armstrong. “We commend your community for working together to make public health a priority so that the citizens of South Australia will live longer and better lives.”
“As a person who has so spectacularly returned to good health after surviving advanced testicular cancer, Lance is a powerful voice in raising awareness about the global cancer burden,” said Rann. “Lance‘s second appearance in the Santos Tour Down Under is most welcome and has provided a great opportunity to secure both Lance Armstrong and LIVESTRONG, his excellent Foundation, a place in our State’s history and all our hearts.”
The Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer, which is expected to open in August 2011, received a $7.5 million commitment, along with $5.2 million annually in operating costs from the South Australian state government. The Centre is also funded from a $10 million grant from the Australian federal government and a range of donations including from Flinders University, Australian Centre for Research Foundation, Cancer Council South Australia, Flinders' own clinicians and the volunteer service.
One year ago, LIVESTRONG premiered the LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Campaign in Adelaide. After Australia, the Campaign made stops in California, Italy, Monaco, France and Ireland. In 2009, the Campaign generated more than 300 commitments to the fight against cancer. Those commitments represent work in more than 60 countries around the world and an investment in cancer control of more than $200 million in year one alone.
LIVESTRONG owes a great deal of its Campaign's success to the remarkable efforts being made to reduce the cancer burden in Australia. Last January, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced his government would invest $3.8 million to fund new research and clinical trial initiatives to reduce the impact of cancer on all Australians. More recently, Treasurer Wayne Swan announced that the Australian Government will invest a record $2 billion (over 5 years) to build a world-class cancer care system. The Campaign received commitments to cancer control from Australian cancer organizations including Movember, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, The Australian Lung Foundation, Breast Cancer Network Australia, Cancer Voices South Australia, Cancer Voices Australia, National Breast Cancer Foundation, Cancer Council Victoria and CanTeen Australia.
While LIVESTRONG is proud of the progress the Campaign made in 2009, this year cancer is projected to become the leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer is already the leading cause of death in Australia and three in 10 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. There are more than 106,000 new cases of cancer and approximately 38,000 deaths from the disease each year. While lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in Australia, rates for melanoma -- a cancer that is largely preventable by protecting against harmful UV rays -- are higher in this nation than anywhere in world. In response to staggering statistics like these in countries around the world, the LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Campaign continues its trail-blazing efforts to urgently reduce the burden of cancer. To join LIVESTRONG's unified global movement against cancer, please visit and sign the World Cancer Declaration.
At LIVESTRONG, we fight for the 28 million people around the world living with cancer today. There can be -- and should be -- life after cancer for more people. That's why we kick in at the moment of diagnosis, giving people the resources and support they need to fight cancer head-on. We find innovative ways to raise awareness, fund research and end the stigma about cancer that many survivors face. We connect people and communities to drive social change, and we call for state, national and world leaders to help fight this disease. Anyone anywhere can join our fight against cancer. Join us at
Lance Armstrong Foundation 개요
Lance Armstrong Foundation은 현재 암에 걸려있는 전세계의 약 2천800만 명의 사람들을 위해 진단 단계부터 향후 환자들이 암과의 투쟁을 하는 데 필요한 자원과 지원을 제공하려고 노력하고 있다.
Rae Bazzarre
(512) 279-8367
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