US and Korean Adolescents Talk about Multicultural Society

- The17th International Video Conference, June 24th Seoul Metropolitan Government conference hall

2010-06-10 17:02
서울--(뉴스와이어)--“How different are the minds of adolescents of United States which always have been a multicultural nation and those of Korea, which just merely started its path as a multicultural nation?” A video conference which will answer these types of questions will be held in Seoul.

Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange, MIZY Center is holding the 17th Video Conference on June 24th(Thursday) from 9pm with Del Valle High school located in Texas, US. The topic to be discussed in this video conference is ‘Multicultural Society in Korea and US’. With this topic, the students of both nations will talk about their multicultural society and share their thoughts about what is the true meaning of a multicultural society and the look of the future multicultural society.

The Korean participants who have been selected through evaluation of document at ion and interviews are now attending training sessions that started on June 1st which meet on every Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays until total of 10 days. During the training sessions, students will hear lectures from a professional about what is a multicultural society and prepare their own data by researching multicultural communities for the conference. Through this process, not only will the students gain knowledge and understanding of multicultural society, but experience the ways of sharing ideas, arbitrating arguments and grow intercultural communication skills.

UNESCO accredited the international video conferences as a suitable program for the purpose of the ‘International Year for the Rapprochement of Culture’, a year appointed by UN. This program targets for young adolescents to grow thinking skills and cultural sensitivity that fits the globalized society and advance their skills in arbitrating arguments and negotiating. Further, this program has been attracting great attention as a ‘low-cost, highly efficient’ program because it allows the students to talk live with foreign students and encounter other cultures without having to leave the country.

From 2004, MIZY Center has been preceding the international video conferences to raise young adolescent’s interest and participation in various global issues. Besides on this upcoming September and November, the Center plans to hold video conferences with adolescents of United States and South Africa in order.

시립청소년문화교류센터 개요
올해로 설립 23주년을 맞은 서울시립청소년문화교류센터(미지센터)는 서울시가 설립하고 교보생명 공익재단인 대산문화재단이 운영하는 서울시 청소년 문화교류 특화 시설로 우리 청소년들이 인문적 소양과 상생의 지혜를 갖춘 세계시민으로 성장할 수 있도록 지원하고 있다.



MIZY Center
Wonjin LIM
이메일 보내기

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