2011 IT Mega Trends

뉴스 제공
삼성SDS 코스피 018260
2010-10-20 09:51
SEOUL--(뉴스와이어)--“Smart,” “Cloud,” “Social,” “Open,” and “Hybrid”— these are the keywords of IT in the future.

As a global IT research institution recently said “IT and population growth are two factors that will determine wealth of a country,” IT now affects everyday lives of humankind.

“2011 IT Mega Trends” that Samsung SDS announced on Oct. 20 are key elements in the IT industry that will have great impact on the society and economy.

The word “mega trend” means “a big flow or movement that forms the basis of change in the industry as a whole.” Samsung SDS has selected and announced IT Mega Trends every year since 2005.

For 2011, Samsung SDS selected and announced 8 IT Mega Trends. The key points include, first, exponential growth of smart devices (=Hardware) such as mobile phone and TV. In particular, the popularity of smart phones, which are called hand-held PCs, is expected to explode next year.

This year, the number of smart phone users in Korea reached 4 million, and the scope of smart devices was expanded from mobile phone and PC to TV, refrigerator, and automobile. This development is expected to enable M2M communication, which means automatic communication among these devices.

One of key changes in the IT infrastructure is the emergence of mobile cloud, which allows real-time processing of large-volume data sent and received by a rapidly growing number of smart phone users.

The explosive growth of smart phones brought about big changes to commercial transactions. A case in point is social business which transformed the landscape of social commerce (=commercial transaction), game, marketing, etc. A combination of cutting-edge smart equipment, IT, and services will give rise to smart-commerce, etc., which will enable users to immerse themselves in experiences that have existed only in SF novels.

In addition, social network services will be provided not only to individuals but also to businesses, allowing companies to make decisions quickly through information-sharing and collaboration.

A key change in corporate culture is Open Revolution. This is an era when people can get the information on how to design an atomic bomb through the Internet. In such an era, there is no room for the word “closed.”In other words, the Open Revolution will collect various ideas of a large number of ordinary people, rather than ideas of a small number of elites, and by doing so, will unleash creativity.

Particularly with regard to software changes, SeungAn Park, CTO and Executive Vice President of the Technology Division of Samsung SDS, said “We will soon move into the Hybrid Era, in which PC operating systems will be replaced by web-based applications.”

The 2011 IT Mega Trends selected and announced by Samsung SDS are expected to guide many companies at home and abroad through the uncertainties in the future industry.

웹사이트: https://www.samsungsds.com


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