ING Life launches non-par ING Orange Medicare Annuity

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--ING Life announced it will launch a non-par ING Orange Medicare Annuity Product. The product will be available at branches of Industrial Bank of Korea.

Korean society is ageing rapidly. In the year 2018, population of over 65 years is expected to account for approximately 14%. Aging population highlights the importance of asset management and health care in order to lead a decent life after retirement.

In this vein, annuity insurance is recently emerging as the solution that serves the needs for saving, risk protection and stable income after retirement.

ING Life’s Orange Medicare Annuity offering a high reserving rate and a medicare program is especially attractive as it caters to the needs of both saving and health management on top of the annuity benefits.

The Orange Medicare Annuity Product of ING Life offers the following benefits:

1. High reserving rate coupled with minimum guarnateed interest rate

Annuity resource is reserved at a rate of “PLIR - 1.5%” being flexibly linked to the interest rate movement. By doing so, the value of annuity resource is enhanced and customer asset is safely preserved with the minimum guaranteed interest rate.

2. Capability to add or deduct premium amount to/from the base premium upon payment in accordance with the income level change and reasonable annuity planning by choosing from various annuity payment options and mid-term withdrawal.

3. A sophisticated insurance plan that preserves the real value of annuity resource, offers a competitive profit and features a high-quality medicare program

4. Tax benefits for policies kept in-force for 10 years or more

For those policies that remained effective for 10 years or more from the inintial premium payment day to the “maturity or mid-term withdrawal day”, interest income tax is exempted on the gains on insuranace claims. (But interest income tax is levied on those policies that remained in-force for 10 years or more from the initial premium payment date to the maturity or mid-term withdrawal day, but (part of) written premium was paid out in the form of annuities for a specified period of time before 10 years had passed since the initial premium payment day.)

Besides above benefits, this product features a full range of program and benefits designed to help customers enjoy a stable and healthy life after retirement, combining annuities with healthcare program such as health check, medicare and support for medical treatment abroad.

Customers of ING Orange Medicare can enjoy the personalized medicare program including over-the-phone consultation with medical experts and health check reservation service for up to 3 years after entry. Details are as follows:

Preventive care program:

Professional health managers provide customers with personal health management pragram, health advice, compiling of personal record of medical examination and hospitalization history, and a portable health chart that customers can carry on travel. Customers also get a visit once a year by the medical expert that performs health check-up.

Health enhancement program

Customers can access the call center all year round and around the clock to make an appointment at a hospital or to get health advice for themselves (and their family). Also, the health care magazine providing more health and medical information is mailed to customers. SMS service is offered to customers at least once a month, which will make sure customers maintain healthy lifestyle. In addition, the reservation service is available under which a customer complaining a health problem is connected to a general practitioner (GP). An appointment with the GP is made on behalf of customers along with the recommended medical check up items based on the customer’s health diagnosis. In addition, a total cancer care program is available. Under this program, each customer can get one-on-one health care service from a nurse specialized in tumor. Customers can also make reservation and take administrative steps for cancer clinic or hospital.

International treatment program

Through the international network, the program takes on follow-up actions for customers who have been treated abroad or takes administrative steps needed for customers to be treated at a clinic abroad on their behalf.

< Example >

If a 35 year-old man pays monthly premium of 1millionKRW (on the basis of 1 account, premium payment for full insurance period, annuitant age 60, PLIR 6.2% as of Sep. 30, 2005)

He can receive 35,970,000 KRW every year in life annuity (individual, fixed amount type) and 64,860,000 KRW in annuity certain for 10 years.

- Age at issue: 15 (for full age) ~ 63
- Premium payment period: 5 year, 7 year +
- Annuitant age: 45 ~ 80 (48 ~80 for couple annuity type)
- Issue limit: monthly premium ranging from 300,000 KRW up to 1,000,000 KRW (subject to change according to the premium payment period)

* Note: This medicare program does not involve direct treatment of any illness.

신한라이프 개요
1987년에 설립된 이후 선진 금융 노하우를 바탕으로 지속적으로 성장해 온 오렌지라이프는 총 자산 규모 30조9004억원, 보험금 지급여력비율 287.7%(2017년 3월 말 기준)로 우수한 재무 건전성을 자랑하고 있다. 13년 연속 우수콜센터(KSQI)로 선정되는 등 고객 만족을 위한 지속적인 노력을 통해 '고객의 꿈을 위한 든든한 금융 파트너'로 자리매김하고 있다. 9월 3일 ING생명에서 오렌지라이프로 사명을 공식변경했다.



Kristin Roh 02-3703-9545 011-259-3227 이메일 보내기