New Agreement Between St. George’s University and NCUK - The University Consortium Provides International Students with a Unique Pathway to Medicine
International scholarships available for qualified NCUK-SGU Medical Pathway students
Qualifying NCUK students will be eligible to apply for the SGU International Peace Scholarship and students enrolled in the NCUK-SGU Medical Pathway Foundation program will be granted a dedicated scholarship to defray the cost of tuition.
“This important agreement will provide international students with a passion for medicine a direct pathway to a top medical education from St. George’s University,” said Dr. G. Richard Olds, President of St. George’s University. “We look forward to welcoming aspiring physicians and veterinarians from NCUK’s global network of study centres to St. George’s.”
NCUK is a consortium of leading UK universities dedicated to giving international students access to universities worldwide. NCUK offers a range of pathway qualifications designed by its universities exclusively for international students wanting to study abroad at top universities. Students who enroll in the medical pathway at one of many NCUK Study Centres around the world and meet SGU’s admissions criteria are guaranteed a place in order to complete either the Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees at St. George’s University.
Students who meet the requirements for entry to the medical program can choose to study for their first year on the True Blue Campus in Grenada, or in the UK at Northumbria University’s campus as part of the St. George’s University of Grenada School of Medicine/Northumbria University five-year MD programme. Those opting to take their first year at Northumbria will study an identical curriculum to their counterparts at SGU’s True Blue Campus in Grenada - providing a strong foundation in the basic sciences and non-science subjects.
Students then complete one year of integrated basic sciences in Grenada before undertaking two years of clinical rotations, a portion of which can be taken in the UK, with the remaining rotations in the US or Canada.
“I am delighted to announce the unique pathway for NCUK International medical students into our Medicine programmes at St. George's University and the new cooperation between our organisations.” Added Pete Fiaschi, Director of Recruitment Asia and UK.
Graduates of SGU’s MD programme are eligible to apply to the Widening Access to Specialty Training, or WAST, programme -- a Health Education England initiative within the National Health Service (NHS) that provides a pathway for U.K. registration through postgraduate training following the completion of an internship. This postgraduate training is recognized for licensure in the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Commonwealth countries.
Maria McKenna, Regional Director (EMEA) for NCUK says, “NCUK is delighted to include St George’s University as a study option for our aspiring young medics. We are confident that the partnership will provide opportunities for many young people wishing to study medicine. NCUK’s global network of Study Centres are excited to introduce this new dedicated medicine pathway and looks forward to helping many young people realise their dreams of pursuing a medical degree at a leading medical school.”
About NCUK
NCUK is a consortium of leading UK universities dedicated to giving international students access to universities worldwide and helping students succeed when they get there. Our qualifications are designed by our universities, taught by our global network of Study Centres, and studied by students aspiring to get into some of the top universities in the world. NCUK offers a range of qualifications to suit international students of all levels from pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate pathway programmes. Since 1987, NCUK has placed over 30,000 international students onto a wide-range of university degrees with progression options to the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean.
About St. George’s University
St George’s University is a centre of international education, drawing students and faculty from over 140 countries to the island of Grenada, West Indies. St. George’s is affiliated with educational institutions worldwide, including in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Ireland. The University has contributed over 20,000 physicians, veterinarians, scientists, and public health and business professionals who are practicing across the world. The University programs are accredited and approved by many governing authorities.
For St. George’s University
Raitt Orr & Associates
Patrick Orr
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