Korean Foreign Ministry Issues Statement Regarding Prime Minister Koizumi’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--The following is an unofficial translation of a statement made today by the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The Korean Government expresses deep regret over the fact that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan again paid homage today at the Yasukuni Jinja that enshrines the war criminals who inflicted indescribable damage and pain on neighboring countries in connection with Japanese militarism and its war of invasion.

In particular, the Korean Government cannot but feel disappointment and indignation over Prime Minister Koizumi’s paying tribute again at the shrine that glorifies the Japanese history of invasion despite the fact that relations between Japan and neighboring countries have been greatly strained on account of the issue involving his behavior and that the Korean Government, out of this concern, has strongly urged him to stop paying visits to the shrine.

Pursuant to our consistent position that establishing a rightful recognition of history is key to Korea-Japan relations, we have many times called on Japan not to take any action that would nullify the apologies and reflections made by past Japanese leaders.

If Japan has a genuine determination to develop future-oriented friendly relations with Korea and to assume a responsible role in the international community, it should seriously reflect on history and show in its actions its determination to do so. Once again we strongly urge the Japanese Prime Minister and responsible leaders not to visit the Yasukuni Shrine any more.