LambdaTest Upgrades its Playwright Automation Testing Experience With the Addition of its AI-Powered Integrated Test Intelligence

Given Playwright’s increasing popularity, this addition would enable better decision-making for digital businesses

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Mar. 30, 2023 14:35
NOIDA, INDIA & SAN FRANCISCO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--LambdaTest, an intelligent omnichannel digital experience testing cloud platform, has announced the addition of advanced AI-powered test intelligence features to its Playwright testing cloud offering. With this latest development, LambdaTest will now enable enterprises with deeper insights into their test execution process and help them better streamline their quality assurance process.

LambdaTest has been constantly working on enhancing its Playwright automation testing cloud and the test intelligence feature is the latest addition to the list. Over the last quarter, LambdaTest has added features like support for browser extension testing, IP-based Geolocation testing, and Playwright component testing. Customers can soon test on Android real devices using Playwright as well.

“Test intelligence is at the core of digital transformation in enterprises. Given Playwright’s increasing usage across the business world, we are excited to provide our customers with a deeper and more intuitive view of their testing, enabling them to identify issues faster and optimize their testing processes,” said Mayank Bhola, Co-Founder and Head of Product, LambdaTest. “We are constantly working on upgrading our automation offerings to suit the growing testing needs of this digital age and very soon, customers using our Playwright automation cloud will be able to test on Android-based real devices. You can expect a lot more feature releases in the near future. Our aim is to ensure that we do the test execution heavy lifting with our enterprise testing platform so that our users can concentrate on other tasks.”

LambdaTest has also announced the launch of its digital experience testing cloud for enterprises. The offering will enable enterprises to accelerate their digital transformation by providing a best-in-class, 360-degree test execution and orchestration platform coupled with insightful test analytics and customizable deployment options-Public cloud, single tenant, or on-premise.

Also, Satya Nadella, Chairman & CEO of Microsoft, who recently delivered the keynote address at the Microsoft Future Ready Technology Summit 2023, Bengaluru, said that “LambdaTest is doing for test automation what Kubernetes did for container orchestration - creating that next level of efficiency around test automation so that people can actually focus on testing versus test orchestration.”

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About LambdaTest

LambdaTest is an intelligent unified digital experience testing cloud that helps businesses drastically reduce time to market through faster test execution, ensuring quality releases and accelerated digital transformation. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs.

Continuous Testing Cloud

LambdaTest's Continuous Testing Cloud allows enterprises to rapidly test and deploy changes to their web and mobile applications up to 70% faster, which helps to accelerate the development process and improve time-to-market.

Cross-browser Testing Cloud

Our cross-browser testing cloud allows users to test their websites and web applications on a wide variety of browsers, operating systems, and devices. With features such as real-time testing, responsive design testing, and debugging tools, it enables developers to ensure that their websites and web apps are compatible with different browsers, thereby providing a seamless user experience.

Real Device Cloud

With real device cloud, testers/developers can catch bugs early before their mobile apps go live. With LambdaTest's Real Devices Testing Cloud, teams can test unhandled errors, UI/UX, performance, and functionality of their apps before they get released into production. The teams can also test on the widest range of mobile and OTT devices (iOS, Android, iPad, Amazon Fire TV, Roku TV & Apple TV).

AI-powered Visual Regression Cloud

Ensuring consistent layouts, designs, and functionality of applications is crucial to deliver visually-perfect digital experiences. LambdaTest's visual regression cloud ensures that the visual appearance and functionality of an organization’s web applications remain consistent and error-free, ultimately improving the digital experience and business performance. Teams can get early insights on visual UI bugs before they release their applications to the customer. Testers/developers can run automated visual regression tests on 3000+ combinations of browsers & real devices to identify visual deviations.

AI-powered Integrated Test Intelligence

Test execution insights are critical for digital transformation as they provide enterprises with deeper insight into the quality of releases and trends. By analyzing the test execution data, LambdaTest's integrated test intelligence provides enterprises with insights into patterns and trends that can lead to informed decisions about future development and improve application quality. This can empower development teams with detailed and actionable test execution data and close the gap between data, insight, and action for better and faster decision-making.

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