Hotline to be installed between the President and business leaders

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--A hotline will be set up this week for about 100 business leaders so they can call President Lee Myung-bak anytime round the clock.

In step with President Lee's "Business Friendly" policy, the hotline is expected to serve as a channel of communications between Cheong Wa Dae and business leaders so that the President will be able to hear directly from them about their needs and concerns.

The Office of the Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Policy will select users of the hotline from a list of recommended institutions. In doing so, it will take into account several factors, including type of business, balance in terms of size and the state of management. More specifically, the list of hotline users will include 39 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 33 business organizations and associations, 17 financial institutions, eight conglomerates and five research institutes.

Of the 47 businesses on the list, the largest group, about 83 percent, will be SMEs. It is thus expected that the newly introduced system will expand opportunities for small businesses to directly relay their difficulties in doing business.

Among the people with hotline access are some 30 heads of organizations and associations representing different business sectors. They are expected to inform the President objectively and fairly regarding the situation in their respective business categories.

In this way, the President intends to listen to problems of business leaders frequently, keeping himself abreast of what is going on at the scene of business activities. Through the new system, the Government is planning to make more practical and concrete public policies.
