President and First Lady invite children to Cheong Wa Dae on Children's Day

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--President Lee Myung-bak and First Lady Kim Yoon-ok invited about 150 children to Cheong Wa Dae on the occasion of Children's Day today. Children from multi-cultural families were invited to the festivities as well as boys and girls who head households, children from Taean that was hit hard by a major oil spill last December, and children from orphanages and local child care centers. Also included were outstanding children recommended by municipal and provincial offices of education and the children of military personnel who died while on duty, distinguished themselves in battles or are currently deployed overseas.

In Nokjiwon (the Cheong Wa Dae garden and lawn), the children enjoyed various activities, including face painting and paper folding. The Presidential couple joined the children at Nokjiwon, which was turned into a children's playground for the day, and participated in various activities like a friendly neighborhood grandfather and grandmother. Notably, the First Lady volunteered to teach the children how to do paper folding.

In his welcoming remarks, President Lee said, "I had a difficult time growing up, and it was hard for me to even go to school. But I never let go of my hope and dream and continued to work hard. Eventually I was able to become President." He urged the children not to give up their dreams and hopes even under difficult situations. Regarding child safety that has recently emerged as a social issue after several children went missing, the President pledged, "A truly advanced nation is a society where children are happy and safe. As President, I will make sure that our children can live happily in a safe environment."

In addition, First Lady Kim said, "I am so pleased because I feel as if I am surrounded by 150 grandchildren. I hope our children can give great momentum to the effort to turn our society into a more caring one by actively reaching out to their neighbors in need with helping hands."
